duration Tp [O2] [AA] [DHA]


Tp is the average temperature of the product and is expressed in Celsius degrees.

[O2] is the average concentration of dioxygen dissolved in the product expressed in millimoles per liter.

[AA] is the average concentration of Ascorbic Acid in the product expressed in millimoles per liter.

[DHA] is the average concentration of DeHydro Ascorbic acid in the product expressed in millimoles per liter.

KGA is diKeto Gulonic acid in the product.

FUR is FURfurals in the product.

NOTE: if "constant" is checked then, it is assumed that dioxygen is no limiting, hence the concentration [O2] remains constant at all time.

Quantification of vitamin C

Please see: Gomez Ruiz, B., Roux, S., Courtois, F. and Bonazzi, C., Spectrophotometric method for fast quantification of ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid in simple matrix for kinetics measurements, Food Chemistry, 2016, Vol. 211, pp. 583-589

Model of oxydation of vitamin C

© 2017 design, setting, programming and webmastering by Francis Courtois - francis.courtois@___NoSpam___.umontpellier.fr

Model developped by Stephanie Roux, Francis Courtois and Catherine Bonazzi

This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement FP7-311754